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Convocation is both sacred and solemn occasion to induce students totake challenges in life. The University organized its first convocationinJanuary 2017 to award degrees to the graduates who completedtheir degree course programs in 2014-15 and 2015-16 batches.

The event is also an opportunity to welcome newalumni intotheJagannath University community.Grand ceremony that brings together students, faculty, and guests from around the nation to celebratetheachievements of the graduating class. The ceremony is a time-honoredtradition is an important milestone for every student who has workedhard to earn their degree.The convocation ceremony is a memorable occasionfor everyone involved, and it is a time for graduates to reflect ontheir accomplishments and celebrate with their families and friends. Theceremony is a celebration of academic excellence, and it is a testament tothe hard work and dedication of the Jagannath University community.

The convocation ceremony begins with a procession of graduates, faculty, and staff. The procession is led by the university's leadership teamandisaccompanied by the traditional music and chants. The graduates aredressed in their academic robes and regalia, and they carry a senseof excitement and anticipation as they make their way to the convocationhall During the convocation ceremony, students are presented withtheir degrees, and they are officially recognized as graduates of JagannathUniversity. The ceremony also includes speeches by distinguishedguests, faculty members, and the university's leadership team. These speechesprovide graduates with valuable insights into their chosen fields andoffer them inspiration for the next chapter of their lives.

We are proud of our students and their achievements. We are confident that our graduates will go on to make a positive impact in their respectivefields and will continue to uphold the values and traditions of JagannathUniversity. The University convocation shall now be a regular featureeach year. The University contemplates to invite the legends inthecountry to deliver convocation address and award degrees to students andto inculcate feelings in them to be responsible stewards of the societyafter their education.

On 23.03.2024 our University 8th convocation was held and degrees were awarded to the successful students